Pioneers of excellence
A story of passion and deep roots, four generations passing on knowledge, the scent of grapes and the colour of the ground. With this background, PMA was founded in 1997 and has established itself in the agricultural sector as a pioneer in cutting-edge mechanisation and innovative viticulture. Entrepreneurial spirit and dedication have engraved the long history of this company, pushing it to evolve towards a more complete and unique format, ICONIC.
ICONIC is a company that over the years has made its mark on the viticulture, oenology and packaging market thanks to its winning combination of rural history and far-sighted entrepreneurial vision. Competence, passion and innovation are the cardinal values of a business capable of being a sector leader in the entire wine production chain, becoming a successful partner for its customers. Inside every great wine is a world of Iconic services.
ICONIC’s years of experience in the sector, dynamic spirit and sincere attention to the needs of our customers enable us to offer effective, quality services to meet all viticultural requirements. A love of grapes and wine combined with an optimistic view of the future have given rise to a branch of the company specialising in consultancy, planning and the construction of turn key vineyards. A specialisation acquired in the sector, which after years of experience and dedication has favoured the development of the ICONIC Vineyard ™, dynamic and avant-garde, easily manageable both with machines and by hand, reducing labour to a few units per hectare. The entire project is developed safeguarding important characteristics of the vineyard: dynamism, innovation, functionality, durability and aesthetic beauty. Our common goal is to have our customers produce the highest quality grapes in iconic structures.
Wine and grapes have always represented an authentic heritage of our country, an absolute excellence that boasts a high market value when managed by expert hands like those of ICONIC. The transition from the grapes entering the cellar to the wine in the bottle takes place through a number of fundamental steps such as: global consultancy, strategic planning and the creation of perfect and iconic wine-making systems. This is complemented by the supply of state-of-the-art equipment and machinery.
One of the most important aspects of producing and building a functional brand has always been packaging, a field in which experience and innovation make the difference in the race for market leadership in every sector. ICONIC today represents the ultimate expression of packaging, from the simplest to the most complex project, the result always offers top quality thanks to the perfect mix of consultancy, design, technology and functionality, providing solutions and products from world leading companies.
Masters of Viticulture
Grazie allo spirito dinamico e all’attenzione sincera per le necessità della clientela, forti di una grande esperienza, PMA riesce ad offrire un parco servizi di altissimo livello che copre a 360 gradi le esigenze legate alla viticoltura. In questo modo è possibile rispondere sempre nella maniera più completa e tempestiva alle costanti evoluzioni del settore in termini tecnici, impiantistici e di mercato. Obiettivo comune è far produrre ai nostri clienti uve di altissima qualità.
Lo stato dell'arte dell'enologia
Da sempre il vino e l’uva rappresentano un autentico patrimonio del nostro paese, un’assoluta eccellenza che vanta un elevato valore di mercato se gestita da mani sapienti ed esperte come quelle di PMA. Il passaggio dall’ingresso delle uve in cantina fino al vino in bottiglia, avviene tramite alcuni step fondamentali come: la consulenza globale, la progettazione strategica e la realizzazione impeccabile di impianti enologici perfetti. Il tutto viene completato con la fornitura di attrezzature e macchine all’avanguardia.
Iconic firma la rivoluzione del packaging
Da sempre uno degli aspetti più importanti per la produzione e per la costruzione di un brand funzionale, il packaging è un campo in cui esperienza e innovazione fanno la differenza nella corsa alla leadership di mercato in ogni settore. Iconic rappresenta oggi la massima espressione del packaging: dal progetto più semplice a quello più complesso, il risultato offre sempre il top della qualità grazie al perfetto mix tra consulenza, design, tecnologia e funzionalità.